The History of Pi Chapter
A group of seven men enrolled in the College of Agriculture at Oklahoma A&M in the fall of 1920, and actively encouraged by AD Burke, Professor of Dairy Manufacturing, organized a club of agriculture students shortly after school began in September of that year. The purpose of the club was to foster a closer relationship between outstanding students in the various departments of the College of Agriculture and if possible, to continue that relationship after graduation.
It had become clear by January of 1921 that there would be advantages to be gained by affiliation with a national professional organization with the same general objectives of the local club. A rumor that a national agriculture fraternity was interested in establishing a chapter at Oklahoma A&M College began to circulate on the campus about the last of January.
The initiation team composed of Brothers HF Wilson and past Grand President TD Harman Jr. arrived at noon on May 19th, 1921. At 2:30 pm the 18 petitioning members of the Sigma Alpha Club were formally inducted into membership in Pi Chapter of Alpha Gamma Rho.
A banquet honoring the occasion and the instillation team was held in the Presbyterian Church Annex at 6:30 pm on the evening of the instillation. Dr. Henry G Knight, Dean of Agriculture was present as the guest speaker. He welcomed Alpha Gamma Rho as another organization, which could have a great influence for good on the campus.
The Purpose of Alpha Gamma Rho
To make better men, and through them a broader and better agriculture by surrounding our members with influences tending to encourage individual endeavor, resourcefulness and aggressive effort along lines making for the development of better mental, social, moral and physical qualities; to promote a wider acquaintance and a broader outlook on the part of agricultural men through fellowship in a national organization that stands for the best social, mental and moral development.